انجمن صنفی مترجمان استان تهران

ITD 2018: Winner of the FIT ITD poster competition

اخبار سایت

Translation: promoting cultural heritage in changing times

On 24 May 2017, the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously recognised September 30th as International Translation Day (ITD) to be celebrated every year across the entire UN network ‪(Resolution A/RES/71/288)‬.‎

In preparation for collaboration with the United Nations in 2019, which has been declared International Year of Indigenous Languages, the International Federation of Translators (FIT) Council has selected as the theme for ITD 2018 Translation: promoting cultural heritage in changing times.‎

Selected by FIT Council from among 11 submissions from professional graphic designers around the world, the winning design was produced by Riccardo  D’Urso, a graphic designer residing in Udine in Italy.‎

Riccardo D’Urso

FIT thanks Riccardo for submitting his proposal, and encourages Member Associations to download this poster from the FIT website and use it in connection with their ITD celebrations.‎

